If you own a troublesome dog, you may be wondering what sedatives you can give him to make him feel better while being groomed. A lot of careful attention is needed before deciding to go this route, as there are several options. The groomer should ask the pet owner the following questions before asking your using sedatives for finishing the services of grooming:

  • Does your dog get incredibly anxious?
  • Have you tried grooming your dog yourself? Some dogs are less nervous in their homes and more comfortable being touched by their owners than a stranger.
  • Does your dog belongs to a breed that necessitates continuous grooming?
  • Has your dog ever exhibited aggressive displays when being groomed?

Usually, sedatives should be utilized only when all other options have been tried and exhausted and in those particular cases where the dog is affected by severe fear and is extremely anxious, that doesn’t answer to behaviour modification or when there are risks for defensive biting.

Types of Sedatives for Dog Grooming

If the groomer has tried numerous options and finds that yes, the dog undeniably requires sedatives then you will need to see your veterinarian or veterinary behaviourist for the most appropriate drug. 


  • Benadryl: One drug of choice is frequently plain Benadryl which is an over-the-counter antihistamine. When this drug is prescribed for anxiety, its use is based on the drug’s ability to cause sedation and lethargy. Many dogs appear to be much calmer with this drug, and owners report a change in behaviour. Nevertheless, as much as this drug seems to cause lethargy, its effects are not that powerful as to make the anxiety fully go away in numerous rebellious dogs.
  • General Anesthesia: For critical cases, the dog may require to be put under general anesthesia for the grooming. Of course, this is done at the vet’s office. This is frequently done in cases of overly troublesome dogs or when there may be pain or the need for the dog to remain still for extended periods of time. An irritable dog is full of painful mats that may do better being placed under than being forced to remain immobile and feel pain for quite some time.


Primarily it’s the choice of the client to ask for a stronger drug that sedates your dog more so he grooming is completed but may cause side effects, or the client ask the groomer to work on the whole behaviour modification process that takes longer but works on the underlying problem.